space space


Jahr:2019Bild von 'Mountaineers'
Autor/in:Corey Wright
Verlag:Massif Games
Hauptthema:Klettern / Climbing
Anzahl Spieler:1-6
Altersgruppe:ab 13 Jahre
Deutsche Rezensionen:Brettspielgefährten
Pressetext:Mountaineers is a strategic board game in which 1-6 players compete against each other and AI climbers to earn climbing points (victory points) as they maneuver around a 18 in./45 cm tall rotating 3D modular game board. The theme of Mountaineers is lighthearted and fun, primarily focused on competitive route finding, resource management, character building and upgrades, while challenging players to react to various exciting (and sometimes comical) events that occur on the mountain.
Letzte Änderung:28.04.19

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